Jade Empire: Special Edition
This is a 3D action/adventure game with a pseudo-Chinese appearance.
I played it for a few hours before I uninstalled it in disgust.
- Nothing. This game is terrible.
- Actually, the only good thing is that I paid less than $10 for this
garbage. Phew!
- I actually paid money for this steaming pile of manure.
- On PC using a keyboard, the controls were really spongy. The only
result of any battle: being killed. I had to lower the difficulty, but
on Easy the game is too easy.
- The game didn't even run at first on Steam (on Windows 10) and I had
to look up how to fix the install issue. It was something dumb the
developer should have fixed (a missing
- The plot is a very American plot with a pseudo-Chinese pastiche
stretched across it. It doesn't fit. It comes off as gross, racist, and
- I looked at the credits, and spotted perhaps a Chinese name or two?
A game about Chinese people with no Chinese people making decisions on
the art direction and plot. How awful.
- This game sits square in the middle of the Uncanny Valley.
The 3D characters are really disturbing. e.g. you see your
character constantly nodding in a conversation, even when the other
character has finished speaking and you're thinking of what to say
- The characters don't really look Asian. A lot of them don't really
look human at all (although they're supposed to look
- There is a fake Oriental-ish language that they invented, that
sounds like an idiot trying to babble Chinese or Japanese.
- There is a character that looks like the Boudha. This is more than a
little offensive.